Subsistence Council Coordinator positions recruitment open until October 15, 2021

News & Updates

October 8, 2021

Interior Region Leaders,

The application period for Council Coordinator GS-12 has been extended to October 15, 2021.

The application period is now open for the Subsistence Council Coordinator positions in the Office of Subsistence Management! We are recruiting two GS-0301-12 positions. There will be 2 selections made for this vacancy. Please distribute this announcement far and wide and help us find great candidates for these key positions in the Federal Subsistence Management Program.

The incumbents will work as part of a Council Coordination team responsible for supporting the Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils and their activities. The Councils’ mission is to advise the Board on matters pertaining to subsistence uses and needs and to provide a public forum for any matter related to subsistence uses consistent with Title VIII of Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. The incumbents will serve as liaisons between the Councils, the public, the Program, and the Federal Subsistence Board and will work closely with other teams in the Office of Subsistence Management, staff from the five Federal agencies that are part of the Program, and with State, tribal and local governments representatives.

For more information on the federal subsistence management program please visit

The second announcement is open to all applicants. The first announcement is for current federal employees.

The application period is open from September 23 to October 15, 2021.

Announcement number: R7-21-11236325-TD-MP

Govt. Wide:

Announcement number: R7-21-11236324-TD-DE

U.S. Citizens:

Questions? Please contact Katya Wessels at (907)786-3885 or [email protected] or me. My contact information is below.

Thank you sharing this career opportunity widely.

Vince Mathews, Acting Regional Council Coordinator for Eastern Interior & Kodiak/Aleutian Islands Regions

Office phone: 907-455-1823; Cell: 907-947-9309

Toll free: 1-800-531-0676

FAX: 907-456-0428

Email Address: [email protected]